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Full Version: [GET] Create UNLIMITED android apps FREE!
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Not sure if it is shared here, stumbled this site (dont go on the looks), directly go and register:

DO NOT buy anything, just create your app, hit refresh and you'll get ready APK to use ;)
Create as many apps you want without paying a dime.
Do you just go as far as publishing your app and then refreshing the page or are you referring to the app preview? Sorry to sound "Dumb" but could you clarify the refreshing of the page and at what stage you do that. Thanks.
Thank you. Rep Added.
Can you be more specific about the download part ???
be carefull with sites like these, the site owner can switch off your app at any moment, they can also change the advertising codes to their own at any moment. Personally i wouldnt use it.
it's not free.. :(
You can get your own legit account now for only $7 / mth unlimited.
'Free account is just to test how it works, in order to publish app you need paid account or we'll close the account.'
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