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Hey everybody!

English is not my native languange so I will apologize allready my writings and writing style. So basicly, I read my countrys imageboard and there were this guy who was earning money marketing in internet. His method was advertising some product online and when people always clicked his advert, he would get some cents from it. Atleast thats how I understood it. Well im unemployed and I am a bit confused what im gonna do with my life. So I asked this guy how I could get into making money on internet and he just replied that I should come here first and start it. Well I studied a bit your forums but couldnt find anything suitable information which would tell me about this method. I know I seem lazy or you guys think that im just looking for easy money real quick but I would like to even try this thing. So why im wroting this introduction is that I wanted to say hello and ask for your help. Can someone tell me which sections/threads I should start looking for information or can someone wrote me a little information about this "making money on internet" thing? You can post it here or send me a PM. And I would like to apologize also if this kind of messages are against this communitys ambiance or forum rules.

Welcome Welcome Welcome to BBHF family mate Smile
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