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Full Version: [GET] TRICK 1500 Like status Facebook and 1000 like fanpage facebook
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Tired Of Waiting For The Persons To Like Your Status? Want(Or Pretend) To Be Famous Person In Your Group?

To be true it is everyone's dream to be the most famous person on facebook.

Getting more no. of likes for your status and photos show your popularity. Facebook is the most feminist website where only girls get loads of likes.

You might have thought that there is no way of getting too many likes on facebook and still dreaming about it.

If you are such a person, you have come to the right place.

[Image: 5-Ways-to-Turn-Facebook-Likes-into-Marke...esults.jpg]
So here is how you can get auto likes.

[Image: Capture.JPG]
(click on the image to enlarge)

  • After you click on 'click here' you might be asked to allow permissions to a facebook application. After installing copy the url of that page which is your Access Token, it will be like

  • Copy it and paste on the box provided in Likehoot homepage and click submit.
[Image: Capture1.JPG]
(click on the image to enlarge)

  • Wait for the next page to load with some subscribe buttons. Subscribe any one there and click submit button.(Subscribing is not compulsory)
[Image: Capture3.JPG]
(click on the image to enlarge)

  • Next page you get will be having your 5 recent updates with a subscribe button corresponding to each. Click on the submit button of your update for which you need hooping likes.

[Image: Capture4.JPG]
(click on the image to enlarge)
  • Most probably after doing this you may be asked to login to your facebook account again. This doesn't happen all the time. Its good if it happens so.
REP ++
up up up up
It can ban all pages by unpublishing them.. :P
any autoliker does it for permanent
Don't access to this page!
http://facebook.[Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD]
he try to hack your password
it's a scam, report this please.
Anyone have that php script?

Send me a pm please thanks
please ban this *****..
id language: bro ,, jangan share trik yang merugikan

eng lang: dude.. don't be cheating in bhf
Id: Parah ini orang pasang phising di forum ini.
Baned aja brow
en: This guy put phishing in this forum.
Banned only brow.
Reported Web Forgery!

This web page at facebook.[Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD] has been reported as a web forgery and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

Web forgeries are designed to trick you into revealing personal or financial information by imitating sources you may trust.

Entering any information on this web page may result in identity theft or other fraud.
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