anyone has add-on “done-for-you” client report? please share..thanks!
Is there a sales page link for the add-on/oto ?
(05-24-2014 11:45 PM)smartshoppinggg Wrote: [ -> ]anyone has add-on “done-for-you” client report? please share..thanks!
yes i am also looking for upsells.
I am also looking for upsell too. If you have it , drop it
thanks for sharing - only just downlaoded it so i havent checked it out yet, but the sales page looked good enough that i wanted to see what the author had to say and i found your link which ive rep'd you for
quick review -18 page pdf which encourages offline marketers to do 2 things:
1 - use targeted FB advertising to attract businesses from specific business categories who would be interested in lead generation for their companies. these are the business categories:
Auto Detailing
Pest Control
Home Security
Vet/Animal Hospital
Auto Repair
2. run targeted leadgen campaigns on FB for clients you produce from those business categories to generate leads for THEIR businesses.
suggested fees not incl ad costs are circa $1k / $2k per month - not sure you'd get that kind of money, but the concept is sound and the pdf is well written.
well worth the download for anybody involved in this field as a broad sales script is included.....
Would be great to have the OTO and upsell which he mentions at the end of PDF. Link doesn't seem to work when taken to Jvzoo. Has needed info on how to actually get the client the leads after you close them. +rep and appreciated
anyone has the upsells?
anyone has the upsells?