05-11-2014, 03:34 AM
Would You Like to Discover My EXACTSecrets for Generating MASSIVE Email Click Rates as High as 60-70% with Simple Tweaks You can do in 5 Minutes?
This Works Regardless of How Small Your List May Be!
This Works Regardless of How Small Your List May Be!
Dear Fellow Warrior,
You and I both know that the money is in the list, right?
After all, that’s why you have been diligently building your own email list,
or at least planning to do so very soon.
You understand that building an email list is the only form of “push-button”
income that actually exists.
Not only that, but your list is an asset that you own forever….and is something that NO ONE, not even the Big G can take away from you.
Now take a moment, and imagine the following scenario…
You’ve Worked Hard and Successfully Built a List of Thousands of Subscribers
You’ve got a bunch of great affiliate offers…maybe even some products of your own lined up to mail out to your fresh, brand new list.
You’re finally ready to start making that push-button, automated income you’ve always heard other marketers brag about, but you never really thought would be possible.
You type up your first broadcast, carefully paste in your affiliate links, and hit the send button.
With overwhelming excitement and anticipation, your eyes became GLUED to your affiliate stats, and you find your finger constantly clicking to refresh the page….just waiting for that first sale to come in!
Minutes pass, then hours….but that sale never comes.
With disbelief and frustration you turn back to your auto responder account to check your email stats.
Instantly your jaw practically hits the floor when you realize the following:
You see that your subscribers have been opening your email….
I’m going to level with you here….
This is Often the #1 Problem that Plagues Most Beginner Email Marketers
Simply put, many new email marketers just don’t know how to write compelling email copy.
Now if this has ever happened to you….I want you to know that most likely it’s NOT your fault.
There’s ALOT of B.S. being slung around in the IM space when it comes to writing compelling email copy that actually generates clicks to your offers.
Today you’re in luck, because I’ve decided to cut through all of that B.S. for you….
Here’s What You Will Discover Inside Email Click Blitz:
1. The 3 Critical Questions You MUST Answer for Your Subscribers in Every Email to Maximize Your Click-through Rate.Here’s What You Will Discover Inside Email Click Blitz:
2. How to Use a Product Sales Page to Write a Compelling Email in Less than 5 Minutes thatPumps Out Clicks Like Crazy.
3. The Truth About Scarcity and How to Use it to Your Advantage.
4. Long vs. Short Emails…Which Convert Better, and When to Use Each
5. How to instantly pre-sell any offer or product you choose.
And much more…
It Doesn’t Matter How Big or Small Your List is…
Yes, this truly is a case where size does not matter!
I don’t care if you have 100 subscribers on your email list or 10,000.
Regardless of size, these principles work the same.
And this is especially good news if you’re just starting out and have a small email list.
Because once you go through the no-fluff training in Email Click Blitz, you’ll be able to instantly extract the maximum amount of clicks from your list.
This means you’ll still be pumping out leads and sales even if your list is teeny-tiny!
So Now You Need to Ask Yourself the Following:
Are you ready to SKYROCKET your click-through rate instantly?
Are you ready to generate more leads and sales from your email list than you ever thought possible?
If so, there’s only one thing left to do…
Grab Your Copy of Email Click Blitz for Less than the Price of a Starbucks Triple-Shot Caramel Macchiato!
To Your Success,
Adam Napolitano
P.S. Remember, it doesn’t matter how many people open your emails if no one clicks your links.
So if you’re ready for more clicks than you can handle, grab your copy of Email Click Blitz now:
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