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Thanks Reps to you
this is just a SCAM plugin
Thanks Again Jack! ;-)

Here's AIO Mirror:
Magic Button :
I was shocked when i opened the code for this plugin with a text editor - their sales page webinar type video interviewed the programmer and he said there was over a million lines of code in the plugin what a joke - more like 50 lines of code and the plugin really is a joke - once again all hype and no real worth.
i did buy this and installed on a subdomain. i'll let it run and see what happens. As of now I have gotten about 3 or four page views from this plug-in. Definitely ho-hum but will let it run
(05-18-2014 06:06 PM)juliegibbins Wrote: [ -> ]I was shocked when i opened the code for this plugin with a text editor - their sales page webinar type video interviewed the programmer and he said there was over a million lines of code in the plugin what a joke - more like 50 lines of code and the plugin really is a joke - once again all hype and no real worth.
I should have done that! I actually bought Link Rocket 7 day trial for a dollar, the sales pages says try it and if you don't like it you can get your money back... including the dollar. "What the hell", I thought...

I set it up on 4 domains, each over a year old, several had some page rank, all had many posts. I got no, or very little clicks except for where I promoted the links through social media. I have tried for a week... nothing or next to nothing. This is probably not even good for SEO... Huh

I submitted a support ticket asking for a refund. Have not heard back. I messaged Mr. Knight on Facebook - nothing. Just messaged the programmer - Rico, he said he has nothing to do with the financial side but would let Mr. Knight know I contacted him.

I made a screenshot of the 7-day trial page where the promised the no-questions money back guarantee was.

I hate sh*t like this. I should know better really, but I am the type of person who will make a hobby out of something like this...

I've also requested a refund and heard nothing! What a joke!
(05-19-2014 06:29 AM)CoyoteUSA Wrote: [ -> ]I've also requested a refund and heard nothing! What a joke!
lol hearing you said that now I understand why this product's refund rate is just 0.55% (check on JVzoo) Biggrin
thanks for all the reviews, saved me some time downloading and trying this out..
They deleted my support ticket today, LOL. I opened a dispute with Paypal, complained to JVZoo that they were hurting their own business by supporting such product creators and went over to Facebook and reported their group as a scam.

I don't know if any of that will do a drop of good, but if enough people complain maybe they will get a little bit of payback.

Karma is watching...
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