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Full Version: [GET] MTDb - Ultimate Movie&TV Database
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MTDb is a fully featured Movie/TV series database, it comes with advanced membership system,critics and user reviews system, news system, you can use it as a CMS and create your own movies/series or edit existing ones, it can automaticaly fetch movies/series data, featured trailers,news and movies now playing in theaters, it is fully responsive and built on top of laravel andbootstrap frameworks.


Thanks dude +Rep Added
Thanks. Is this the complete package? It seems to be missing the installer.
Nice share is it missing files?
+fap added :) thank you!
Thank very much 1 REP ADDED . :D
nope... this is the full package
(05-10-2014 04:28 AM)MellowD Wrote: [ -> ]Nice share is it missing files?
There's no Install folder and when i try to acces my website i got an error x)
Fragan read documentation :-)
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