05-09-2014, 07:11 PM
Multilanguage system.
Themes System.
Responsive Design.
Friendly urls.
Optimized for SEO.
For Users:
Login with Facebook.
Register with Facebook.
Live Chats, Messages, Comments.
News Feed: Displays all activities of the users you follow.
Profile: Displays your public profile, with activities that you have done so far.
Photos: You can upload up to 9 images per post. Thumbnails are displayed in your message.
Videos: Share videos from Youtube and Vimeo.
Notifications on likes, comments, following, and chat.
Likes for messages.
#hashtag in messages, comments and chat conversations.
Include @username in messages, comments and chat conversations.
Filter posts by photos or videos.
Emoticons in Messages, Comments and Chat
Verified Profiles.
Easy password recovery.
User name: usermain
Password: 123456
Don't Forget ADD +1 Rep :)