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Full Version: [REQ] Adfactory - Teespring
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Pages: 1 2
Make easier for t-shirt teespring ads marketing on facebook.

Salespage :
love to see this too
bump for this one
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Hoping to see this one too! $197 for lifetime membership?! That's a bit insane to me personally... hoping it makes its way to BBHF.
There is a dozen or two videos
More than half are for the online app that imports your Teespring Campaign Url and the builds an Ad based off that..
I can get videos but the hook is the app.... [img]
[Image: vl0tj.jpg][/img]

Bump for this too!
(05-17-2014 05:51 PM)iwilllookatthis Wrote: [ -> ]Bump for this too!
I have just arranged a GB AdFactory
Here is the thread:
im in PM me
Pages: 1 2
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