05-08-2014, 01:55 PM
Adult Content Rules
This section of the forum is for adult business methods and discussion as well as adult related shares and content. This does NOT include pornography or vulgar offensive material. I realize what is considered vulgar can be subjective, but use common sense here and follow these rules.
Example Content Allowed:
If you violate these rules - do not be surprised when your account is banned with ZERO warning.
The simple rule - "Do Not Abuse This Section"
This section of the forum is for adult business methods and discussion as well as adult related shares and content. This does NOT include pornography or vulgar offensive material. I realize what is considered vulgar can be subjective, but use common sense here and follow these rules.
Example Content Allowed:
- Adult Business And Marketing Methods
- Dating And Seduction Guides
- Sexual Instruction/Self Help Guides
- Erotica, Romance Books etc.
- Pornographic Magazines/Content
- Pornographic Videos
- Vulgar/Offensive Graphic Images And Content
If you violate these rules - do not be surprised when your account is banned with ZERO warning.
The simple rule - "Do Not Abuse This Section"