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[Image: 51xKojol15L._SX340_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]

You've seen pieces of the puzzle, but still you wonder... Bloodlines of
the Illuminati is a unique historical genealogical who's-doing-it book,
rich in detail, providing a devastating exposé of the people and
families who are THE movers and shakers of the United States and the
entire world. You will recognize some of the names instantly. Many names
have been purposely hidden from mainstream view. From international
finance to war, presidents and dictators alike pay heed to these people.
"Influence" doesn't even come close to describing their power. They
have plans for you. Who are they? Author, Fritz Springmeier provides a
wealth of material and inside information based on eyewitnesses. His
outstanding research provides facts that are not available elsewhere.
When you finish reading this book, the pieces of the puzzle will fall
into place and you'll see the fascinating big picture. You will know who
actually runs the New World Order conspiracy, and who is in the
Illuminati. You may discover for yourself why Bloodlines of the
Illuminati was a bestseller in Japan, a nation which thrives on detail.
EDITION EVEN MORE... completely revised, the new "Bloodlines of the
Illuminati" has more info and better photos. The 3rd Edition's large
print size (7" X 10") makes for easier reading. * Hot new information
exposing Wolf Head (a group similar to Skull and Bones). * New
genealogy charts, one shows how 25 Presidents are related, another how
Prince Charles is related to Count Dracula. * More information on all
the bloodlines.

Magic Button :
i will never download this
(05-08-2014 08:55 AM)granmaster Wrote: [ -> ]i will never download this

Personally, I find this stuff facinating! +5 reps to you StillStanding for an intersting share! It doesn't always have to be about money! And quite honestly, I'm currently writing a fiction novel where some of this info might be useful!
Old days, read it and its a bit scary truth :)
(05-10-2014 09:43 AM)lomas Wrote: [ -> ]Old days, read it and its a bit scary truth :)
very scary my dear what i experienced last year i hope that i will never and ever encounter such in my life again
"way out there" share, not necessarily a bad thing, thanks
Have it already.....Fritz is one of the world's most knowledgeable sources for all things about the Illuminati. People would rather call it "crazy talk" and "way out there" cuz they don't want to think. Its backed by SOLID historical information....take the green pill and you can go back to your fantasy life, take the red pill and begin to understand what the Illuminati is all about and the real world power brokers. This book is a "must read" for all who want to know the truth.

just my 2 cents......
Thanks for sharing, I missed this one. Repped!
I wish their was a audio version love to no what information is in this book but reading 624 pages would drive me mad...

Rep+ though nice share.
Quote:I wish their was a audio version love to no what information is in this book but reading 624 pages would drive me mad...
There is actually. I believe each computer has it nowadays. It's called Microsoft Reader on PC I believe. (or something like that anyway... you can find it in your Program files)
And if you don't like the default voices you can download other (real) voices from the Net.
And yes, also converters which would make MS Reader read even PDF.
Or convert PDF to Word...
Pages: 1 2
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