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Full Version: Project Payday and best traffic site to go with it.
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Hello, I was wondering if there a good website to give me traffic to Project Payday (a CPA comoany that pays you 1.50 for every sign up)

Also if anyone do Project Payday, then you tell me how to make money because copy and pasting ads doesnt work.

Thank you and have a great day! :)
I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Project Payday is extremely saturated. I have made a few payouts with Project Payday, but it takes me 2 to 3 weeks to reach the minimum payout amount. I've wasted money and time on hosting and building landing pages, PPC ads, PPV ads, over 50 videos on YouTube under various channels, etc etc.

Those adverts from other marketers showing those $1000s of dollars in payouts are mostly faked. My payout screenshots are real, but they are nothing to get excited about. I make enough to take my family out to eat once a month if I'm lucky.

My recommendation is to NOT waste time on Project Payday.
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