I have tried a lot links of instabuilder, first 1.16 (instabuilder blackhadtown) then 1.15 from another (old) post here, and finally this download 1.15 - 1.16 Installing is not a problem but when you add new page, there is no toolbar with instabuilder menu!
(Also is there someone who have capture if possible the tutorial video's)
(05-06-2014 06:36 PM)fiandalfie Wrote: [ -> ]Okay, before anyone ask's me if I've nulled this, the answer is no.
There's a number of threads on here with a huge mish mash of information. Some say it works, others are saying it's asking for license details, so I figured I'd create this new thread with a straight forward fresh approach on how to get it working and at the same time, get the latest version.
As I've already mentioned, I have not nulled anything, I've merely figured out the jigsaw puzzle on how to get the latest working version without any issues.
I won't go into detail here on how to get the latest version installed as all the instructions are in the download. What I will say is though, it involves installing older versions first and moving up. (Thanks to ENIC for his version).