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Full Version: [GET] Instabuilder 1.8 - Updatable - Works With WP 4+
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I have tried a lot links of instabuilder, first 1.16 (instabuilder blackhadtown) then 1.15 from another (old) post here, and finally this download 1.15 - 1.16 Installing is not a problem but when you add new page, there is no toolbar with instabuilder menu!
(Also is there someone who have capture if possible the tutorial video's)
After upgrading to 1.17 and disconnect from internet, i now have also the Instabuilder menu on the toolbar.
worked great! rep added
Thanks a bunch, I needed this.
Thanks, I appreciate you sharing this. +rep to you.
Dont work here,

I have only one doubt

Why 1.16 checklist, arrowlist, does not work?

I can not make him take it.
thank you- this works flawlessly
Thank you shall add it to test soon ;)
thanks for share mate....test soon..
Thanks, worked like a charm!
(05-06-2014 06:36 PM)fiandalfie Wrote: [ -> ]Okay, before anyone ask's me if I've nulled this, the answer is no.

There's a number of threads on here with a huge mish mash of information. Some say it works, others are saying it's asking for license details, so I figured I'd create this new thread with a straight forward fresh approach on how to get it working and at the same time, get the latest version.

As I've already mentioned, I have not nulled anything, I've merely figured out the jigsaw puzzle on how to get the latest working version without any issues.

I won't go into detail here on how to get the latest version installed as all the instructions are in the download. What I will say is though, it involves installing older versions first and moving up. (Thanks to ENIC for his version).

Magic Button :

Magic Button :

Don't forget to show your appreciation because this took me quite sometime to figure out.

Oh yeah, one last thing, I'm NOT the vendor so I don't offer support to this.
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