when imported the project has many errors
download again and please go back up as the owner has a new version of the app
trust me i did, this is the final version fresh from the source.............
first am not the coder, second did you try to clean the project? or try to change the project build?
(05-28-2014 01:24 AM)andre89 Wrote: [ -> ]but has problems http://puu.sh/93tkV.png
man... do you have any idea on how to use Eclipse or how to read java code (or at least a plain English error message) ? :)
Go to youtube and watch some basic tutorials and you will fix that error in no time :|
install android 8 / 2.2 from your eclipse
go to windows in eclipse then click on Android SDK manager, then tick on android 2.2 (API8) restart eclipse and you will be ready ;-)

Hello Hello Hello, Ok to resolve this problem, there is library inside this product (i mean if its really the last update) u will find Facebook SDK, u have to import this library to your workspace also then go to :
Propreties - Android - then add the library and it should work
Good luck