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Full Version: [REQ] ActionScript 3.0 Projects: Game Development
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Just google it.. also search for torrent.. i have the backup and my internet connection speed is not that can't upload...

I am also flash game developer.. :) :)
(05-03-2014 04:51 PM)AllIsWell Wrote: [ -> ]Just google it.. also search for torrent.. i have the backup and my internet connection speed is not that can't upload...

I am also flash game developer.. :) :)
Thanks, I was finding 1 torrent with 0 seed, almost done downloading, but the download speed is up and down, just like dancing. It sometimes stuck at 0 Kbps for long time, and I spent 2 days to found that torrent.

Btw, how much money you made with flash? I want move into flash development since I think it is faster and more fun than using any other languages. It supports 3D TOO!
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