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Obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer—all diseases that have been
scientifically linked to diet—are at an all-time high. But there’s a way
that’s been successful for millions of people for thousands of years:
the Mediterranean diet.

In The Complete Mediterranean Diet, top cardiologist Michael Ozner
offers the traditional Mediterranean diet—clinically proven to reduce
your risk of heart disease, cancer and numerous other diseases—with the
latest scientific findings in health and nutrition to create a diet
that’s easy to follow.

With 500 delicious recipes, from soups to omelets, from salads to
desserts, as well as an abundance of evidence supporting the
Mediterranean diet’s incredible health benefits, The Complete
Mediterranean Diet shows you how and why to change your life for a
longer, healthier, happier life.

Following a Mediterranean diet can help you:

Lower your risk of heart disease and cancer

Lose weight steadily and keep it off

Maintain or jump start an active lifestyle

Eat delicious foods that are easy to make

Magic Button :
thanks for the diet share, worth a look
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Reps added for furnishing a new link SS!
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