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Full Version: [GET] Ultimate Conversational Hypnosis 25 Module Course + Bonuses - Steven G. Jones [pdf, mp3
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Thanks man this is a cool share!
(05-02-2014 07:33 AM)NonConformer Wrote: [ -> ]Ultimate Conversational Hypnosis 25 Module Course + Bonuses

“Super-Educated, Hypnotist To The Stars Reveals The Mind-Blowing Secret Techniques That Enable You To Control Virtually Every Move and Decision That Others Make By Simply Talking To Them!”

“Now Even The Thoughts Of Other People Can Be Orchestrated To Meet Your Every Desire With Nothing More Than Mere Words!”

“This Intoxicating Potion Of Persuasion Can Be Used At Any Given Moment To Entrance the Likes Of Anyone Into Giving You Exactly What You Want!”

“Discover How And Why Some People Have Their Every Wish Granted By Doing Nothing But Speaking...While Others Work Themselves To The Bone Only To Wind Up Broke, Unhappy And Lonely.”

Sales Letter:

[Image: Snap1.jpg]

The time has come to unlock the natural ability within you to:

- Master the art of negotiation
- Have those you desire chasing after you
- Land your dream job
- Have a name synonymous with respect
- Banish the thought of rejection
- Get your well-deserved raise
- Never be taken advantage of again

- Get anyone to do just about anything you want them
to do; when you want them to do it

- And much more...

[Image: Snap1.jpg]

Click the Play Button Below To Watch A Special Video Message From Steve G. Jones, M.Ed. to see everything included in this package:

Password requests will be ignored. Been answered a thousand times already. Search the forum.

Direct Link to Modules 1-25 Audio Files + Bonuses:
Magic Button :

Ultimate Conversational Hypnosis PDF:
Magic Button :

Don't just hit and run. Show some love Heart hit the add reputation link, make mirrors, post a comment, kick the dog or something:
(08-26-2014 06:44 AM)edge1 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi lost major brownie points from me, when I saw him on a dating show. I think you can find it in youtube. In one particular interaction with a woman he broadcasted his limited beliefs and attitude about hypnosis. This woman basically asked him if he hypnotizes girls on dates and he denied it (knowing fully, that when you practice conversational hypnosis, it is impossible not to hypnotize people at some level).

So in that one simple act of denial, he basically said that he believes hypnosis is manipulation. The woman was intrigued by his hypnosis background, but he completely turned her off by denying and wanting to say something that he thought would be pleasing to her. I mean wtf? He has confidence products and dating products, while he is a pussy and can't own his own profession and manhood. He could have said something like - "Hell, yes. You want to try?" or "Only if they beg me to" and he would have subcommunicated a completely different massage.

Ok, I drifted a little bit off :D About the course - I think I listened to it 2 years ago and I remember it as basic. And not in a good way (in my book good basics are those that fall into the 20% of the 20/80 rule, because usually those 20% consist of basic fundamental things). This was just boring to listen and didn't really resonate with me. Igor Ledochowski's stuff is much better, however he gets quite advanced fast.

One useful thing in this course is the part where he gives conversational starter questions. That's the only tangible thing I remember and use from time to time.

Hope somebody will find my review/rant helpful :)
LOL....I saw that show.....
He was cocky and he blew the date...

With is probably why he was on the show in the first place.....

Thanks and rep.....
Guys, Not trying to be a spoilsport but this is Advanced not ultimate. So whatever is in the sales page its not in the course. Its a different course from the same author.
thanks for the share.. rep given
This looks interesting, I haven't downloaded it but I'm giving you reps for your continued contributions.
Thank you.
Pages: 1 2
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