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[Image: 2UqK1n7.jpg]


Fully Responsive Touch Enabled Wordpress Embedded Video Playlist Player.

Load videos from 6 of the most popular video hosting services including vimeo, wistia, dailymotion and youtube plus screenr and ustream(some limitations).

Load unlimited number of videos per player. Add playlist buttons to allow the user to load different videos into the player.

Custom scrolling video thumb sidebar with touch capabilities.

Super easy shortcode to create the player. Just set the host and add the video ids.

Customizable sizes and accent color.

Over 750+ iconmoon icons for use with the playlist buttons.

Create unlimited players per page.

Note/Limitations: Only one host(vimeo,youtube etc) per playlist player. The screenr and ustream players use actual embed players for the video thumbs and they do not load correctly in mobile devices. Therefore I deem these hosts un compatible with IOS or Andriod devices. Vimeo,Wistia, youtube and dailymotion work correctly in mobile browsers.


Demo Page:

Download: [hide]!IdoQCJiY!luWjCINtcIuzKwqplZ0-gWPV32w4_lhqQmRlON9UAls[/hide]
thanks a lot brooo...will try and reply you but your rep is added
Thanks man
Thanks for sharing this!.
Thxs misterblack88, +5Reps given to you, this player has multi hosts ;-)
thank you brother. Im just trying to make my way in here. And learn about all these reps!
nice work...rep provided
is this alot better than jetpack (which is free)?
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