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hello there, i'm a highschool student who is looking for ways to get money with minimal financial investment to be able to pay for college. and the last few weeks,i've been looking into and learning about affiliate marketing. but it all revolves around getting visitors who are interested in buying your stuff,so i began reading about ways to archieve that. and i kept seeing this forum,wich,to me, means you guys do an exelent job. so i decided i should register here. i hope i learn a lot in my time here and that you guys will eventually like me as well
notaperson welcome to the forum.
Hi and welcome to the site!

You'll learn lots here. The most important thing to do is take action on what you learn. Knowledge is nothing by itself.

1. Play nice
2. Be friendly
3. Thank and rep the people you download shares from
4. Mirror when you can
5. Offer your own shares
6. No premium links

Other than that, have fun, learn and take action!

Thanks guys!
Hah,now i see what you meant by shares... You meant free software...
Should a beginner like me use any software?
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