04-30-2014, 05:38 AM
Hello all bestblackhatforum member. We are very happy announce that MaxPPD.com is going, MaxCPA.org CPA Network. Recent MaxCPA added CPA "Campaigns" Function that publisher can promote single offer and select his offer himself. MaxCPA working to improve, implement new CPA feature. We hop MaxCPA publisher enjoy new CPA feature. Its is very important to say all publisher payout rate is increase. MaxCPA decided get Referral Earning: 10% (Life Time). Its very height from other CPA network. After a few days MaxCPA added New high rate offer and always working improve MaxCPA system. Anyone fell anything to need improvement just message MaxPPD Facebook Group.
Your Sign Up URL https://maxcpa.org/pub_signup.php
Campaigns URL https://maxcpa.org/campaigns.php
Some offer Screen shot and Payout Rate:
Your Sign Up URL https://maxcpa.org/pub_signup.php
Campaigns URL https://maxcpa.org/campaigns.php
Thank You
Enjoy New CPA Feature
Your Sign Up URL https://maxcpa.org/pub_signup.php
Campaigns URL https://maxcpa.org/campaigns.php
Some offer Screen shot and Payout Rate:
Your Sign Up URL https://maxcpa.org/pub_signup.php
Campaigns URL https://maxcpa.org/campaigns.php
Thank You
Enjoy New CPA Feature