Well thats weird the plane is just sitting in the middle of nowhere lol
its just in the shape of a plane :)
lol that makes more sense, I glanced at it and really thought it was a plane
Hm ... that might very well be the missing Malaysian Flight MH370 ... just my 2 cents :-D
Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
(05-03-2014 02:56 AM)MY5TERYA Wrote: [ -> ]Hm ... that might very well be the missing Malaysian Flight MH370 ... just my 2 cents :-D

Why is it news that a satellite took a picture of a plane?
This is in China guys... Perhaps this is just a local plane on its flight.
There is another one just like that in Yunnan Province in southwest China.
It actually is a building that looks like an airplane from above.
A friend of mine visit it and said it was an office building.
I used to see it on Google maps but I have forgotten just where it is.