04-27-2014, 04:23 PM
Files that were unzipped/need to be zipped again if uploading from within WP,
otherwise just FTP as is to the relevant WP directories.
These are the (un)zipped ones:
The 8 CUBER_3D slider folders (inside sliders folder)
The 4 revolution slider examples (inside sliders folder)
Slider Options:
Free – LayerSlider included
Free – Revolution Slider included
Free – 3D CU3ER Slider included (+ 8 pre-built CU3ER sliders)
Unlimited Sliders
Add a Slider to any Page Template
Custom Karma jQuery Sliders
Karma jQuery 1 Slider
Karma jQuery 2 Slider
Karma jQuery 3 Slider
5 Design styles for Karma jQuery 2 Slider (+ custom color picker)
7 Transparent Overlay images for Karma jQuery 3 Slider (+ custom color picker)
Custom Background color for Karma jQuery3 Slider
Toggle Randomize Slides
Toggle Pause on Hover
Toggle Animation Effect – Slide/Fade
Toggle Next/Previous Arrows
Click here for screenshot of these options
Magic Button :
Do not create mirrors or i will not share other scripts/themes just post comment about dead links and i will update the mirror