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Full Version: [GET] Demonoid are open for registration
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Pages: 1 2
Yes ... you heard me..

you can register account here:

Magic Button :

Maybe its time limited registration..don't wait! Act fast
Thanks for this...!!!!
I thought they lost their whole data base and everything when they got shutdown by the New World Order.



I have belonged to them for years, thats why I know they do not have their full data base up and running as of yet.

(04-27-2014 09:22 PM)gnucanuck Wrote: [ -> ]I thought they lost their whole data base and everything when they got shutdown by the New World Order.


they backup old data.. anyway Demonoid are one of the best torrent web.. should register while you can. :)
Thanks for this
demonoid is back, even my account is still alive...
Thanks a bunch
thanks for this, i made an account
Incredible. Its been years...Ive missed this site so. Brings back sooo many memories
yeah...luckily my account remains active still today after their temporary shutdown
Pages: 1 2
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