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(04-28-2014 01:13 AM)geneous Wrote: [ -> ]works awesome . Thanks man .
thanx for checking it out ... +3 reps added
Thanks for sharing this. I added rep. Installation was quick and easy. I'll be back later to report back once I come across adfly Smile

(04-28-2014 05:12 AM)uppastmidnight Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for sharing this. I added rep. Installation was quick and easy. I'll be back later to report back once I come across adfly Smile

I did that work for you, this is full of adfly scam

first disable my extension and try to browse it for 2 minutes , then enable my extension and browse this site again

+3 reps added for your adding this ====> Love for me
thats a great extension......just downloaded it on my cell....will be checking it 2mrw....
Reps added
(04-28-2014 05:57 AM)aniket93 Wrote: [ -> ]thats a great extension......just downloaded it on my cell....will be checking it 2mrw....
Reps added
Huh on my cell .....?
yep actually my laptop is gone for just checking forum on mob....and came across this thread....
(04-28-2014 06:12 AM)aniket93 Wrote: [ -> ]yep actually my laptop is gone for just checking forum on mob....and came across this thread....
Is adfly able to work properly on smartphone , i hav'nt tried it yet
Thank you for your work on this.

I am not a coder by any means, so I'd like to know (adfly newbie question)
what is this actually for? Is it for those popups I get when I download something
from the mirror creator site?

Sorry for the dumb question, but I wasn't sure what it does.
I added reps just because of your time and effort and my embarrassment of not knowing.
(04-28-2014 08:17 AM)Telus Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you for your work on this.

I am not a coder by any means, so I'd like to know (adfly newbie question)
what is this actually for? Is it for those popups I get when I download something
from the mirror creator site?

Sorry for the dumb question, but I wasn't sure what it does.
I added reps just because of your time and effort and my embarrassment of not knowing.

adf . ly is adnetwork. Mostly people use full page ads for link redirection one to another. During that period, you have to wait until the ad page is fully loaded and then after 5 seconds, you get the option to skip ad. Now, this extension helps you to take directly to that page where it is actually pointing to.. skipping those ads and saving your time.
(04-28-2014 08:17 AM)Telus Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you for your work on this.

I am not a coder by any means, so I'd like to know (adfly newbie question)
what is this actually for? Is it for those popups I get when I download something
from the mirror creator site?

Sorry for the dumb question, but I wasn't sure what it does.
I added reps just because of your time and effort and my embarrassment of not knowing.
[b]Kingstaa is right

It is a url shortner like bitly , only difference is it pays for each visit on that link
and people have to wait for 5 second before redirection to real link

+3 reps added to TELUS AND KINGSTAA[/b]
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