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Full Version: [REQ]Wikeasi – WooThemes WordPress Theme
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[Image: Wikeasi.jpg]
Wikeasi is
a wiki theme by woothemes with a bunch of features including
AJAX-powered live search, numerous theme options, WooCommerce support
and more. The design is simple yet functional.
Price: $50
Demo | Purchase

tanks merlin but req share version 1.2.12
(04-27-2014 12:57 AM)amintab2001 Wrote: [ -> ]tanks merlin but req share version 1.2.12
What I put up was the latest I could and your post did read "LATEST VERSION"... Wink
*** Wikeasi Changelog ***

2013.05.29 - version 1.2.12
* includes/theme-options.php - Added info notice to Top Ad section.

2013.04.11 - version 1.2.11
* style.css - Fixed search results layout.

2013.03.25 - version 1.2.10
* /includes/theme-functions.php - Improved the TOC generator.

2013.02.04 - version 1.2.9
* /includes/js/general.js - Changes the AJAX search to work on keyup instead of keypress. Tracks current search term in the filter bar as well, to avoid losing the search term.
* /includes/theme-js.php - Updates version number of "general.js" enqueue to version 1.2.9.
* /includes/filter-bar.php - Adds hidden input field with name "s" for tracking current search terms in the AJAX search.
Hopefully someone will find my share of use, good luck with your search.
All I could find for version 1.2.12 right now all require a payment of some sort!!!
tanks merlin have good time
tanks for sharing
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