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can i get number 15 please .....
I get 8 please
I will go for number 7
I will go for number 3. Thanks man,.
Sorry, hackingvirus123, and XCode404. You both can't get it because you don't meet requirements.
I'll start with #1 :D
When you post a thread make sure to add and the rules,
i replied after some seconds after you posted and you edited later and added rules
when i saw ""Disqualified"" lol !
Be more serious next time, good luck to the winner.
i take #19
(04-30-2014 02:07 AM)SmartIphone Wrote: [ -> ]When you post a thread make sure to add and the rules,
i replied after some seconds after you posted and you edited later and added rules
when i saw ""Disqualified"" lol !
Be more serious next time, good luck to the winner.
Extremely sorry for that, next time I will keep that in mind.

(04-30-2014 07:15 AM)pentag0n Wrote: [ -> ]i take #19
19 is already taken please choose another one.
i'll take no 14 please
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