04-24-2014, 11:29 AM
Here is a new product that I bought. You guys can download it and take a look, and see if you are interested.
This was a new product that was sent via a "buddy affiliate" email list. In other words, it was a tight group that knew nothing about it and was exposed to it as part of a select mailing.
Sales Page:
AIO Mirror:
Yep, I review my own uploads when I have had time to look at them. And I don't favor my own stuff.
This product su.cks - big time! I bought it from someone I usually have confidence in. The actual creator is no rookie and is well respected in some circles. I truly hope this was a test on his part because this isn't even good enough to be a "giveaway" product for me.
It is a 12-page pdf and 2-videos - both of which come to less than 7-minutes viewing time - cumulatively.
The actual product deals with a marketing strategy to use Google Hangouts - in a special way. You probably have seen or heard little about this tactic.
Only it covers the strategy poorly. It barely tells the "what" about it - and definitely is nearly worthless in the area of "how" to do it.
I disliked everything about this piece of crap! The seller has a pompous, holier-than-thou attitude that just su.cks. Even the sales page is weak. At $7, this is about $8 too much money for this. You can even hear the shi.tty attitude of the seller in his voice in the videos. The ebook would have been better written by a high school student.
So why did I post it?
The idea is sound - even golden in the right hands! I have taken lots of abandoned and ineffective products just like this and made winners out of them. One of you can do the same thing. I would consider making something out of this one, but I am already working on nine other projects that are totally unrelated to this.
I take lots of orphans and, if they are based on ideas that work - I make bunches of money with good products I create from the ideas.
One of the most solid ideas in Internet Marketing and Tradecraft 101 is about taking sh.itty products like this and using them as seedlings to grow solid products that are better and will sell. The groundwork and heavy lifting has already been done for you. All you have to do is make it work in a decent offer for your market and sell it.
So the lesson here is that there is money even in the s.hit - as long as the idea is workable.
My grade for this: -1 / 5 stars.
It sucks, but this is a great example of what NOT to do when putting a product together. If this guy can take this garbage and sell it to make money, anyone here can take this idea and laugh all the way to the bank with a better mouse trap. Over 90% of you can make a better product than this one.
This was a new product that was sent via a "buddy affiliate" email list. In other words, it was a tight group that knew nothing about it and was exposed to it as part of a select mailing.
Sales Page:
Magic Button :
AIO Mirror:
Magic Button :
Yep, I review my own uploads when I have had time to look at them. And I don't favor my own stuff.
This product su.cks - big time! I bought it from someone I usually have confidence in. The actual creator is no rookie and is well respected in some circles. I truly hope this was a test on his part because this isn't even good enough to be a "giveaway" product for me.
It is a 12-page pdf and 2-videos - both of which come to less than 7-minutes viewing time - cumulatively.
The actual product deals with a marketing strategy to use Google Hangouts - in a special way. You probably have seen or heard little about this tactic.
Only it covers the strategy poorly. It barely tells the "what" about it - and definitely is nearly worthless in the area of "how" to do it.
I disliked everything about this piece of crap! The seller has a pompous, holier-than-thou attitude that just su.cks. Even the sales page is weak. At $7, this is about $8 too much money for this. You can even hear the shi.tty attitude of the seller in his voice in the videos. The ebook would have been better written by a high school student.
So why did I post it?
The idea is sound - even golden in the right hands! I have taken lots of abandoned and ineffective products just like this and made winners out of them. One of you can do the same thing. I would consider making something out of this one, but I am already working on nine other projects that are totally unrelated to this.
I take lots of orphans and, if they are based on ideas that work - I make bunches of money with good products I create from the ideas.
One of the most solid ideas in Internet Marketing and Tradecraft 101 is about taking sh.itty products like this and using them as seedlings to grow solid products that are better and will sell. The groundwork and heavy lifting has already been done for you. All you have to do is make it work in a decent offer for your market and sell it.
So the lesson here is that there is money even in the s.hit - as long as the idea is workable.
My grade for this: -1 / 5 stars.
It sucks, but this is a great example of what NOT to do when putting a product together. If this guy can take this garbage and sell it to make money, anyone here can take this idea and laugh all the way to the bank with a better mouse trap. Over 90% of you can make a better product than this one.