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Full Version: [GET] ThemeForest - The Galaxy v1.5.2 - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme for WordPress v3.x
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[Image: 6bL5LW8.jpg]

The Galaxy is a Responsive Retina-Ready HTML5 / CSS3 (Desktop, tablet, mobile phone…) template. Simple, clean and professional. It is suitable for multipurpose websites such as business (shop / catalog / ecommerce), company, portfolio or blog. It is superbly responsive adapting to any kinds of phones or tablets. Code is easy to modify and understand so you can personalize it in the easiest way.

Theme Features:

    Fully responsive and optimized for mobile devices. Designed for large desktops / small desktops / tablets / phones (landscape and portrait modes).
    Powerful admin panel
    Premium support. We will not leave you alone if you faced a problem
    10 skins included
    Unlimited number of page layouts with layout builder. Create custom layout with only couple of clicks
    Awesome layered slider ( $15 included at theme’s value )
    Custom post types to store different types of your content: slides, photo albums; portfolio; catalog; video; pricing tables; team; benefits; testimonials; partners, clients, etc.
    Custom post formats support: Aside; Gallery; Link; Image; Quote; Status; Video; Audio; Chat
    Ajax filtering for portfolio and photo albums
    4 pre-defined homepage layouts ( Standard / Business / Portfolio/ Parallax)
    33 layouts for each post type
    3 Pagination style (AJAX pagination supports browser history)
    Widgetized and simple footer
    Visual Pricing Tables editor included
    A lot of shortcodes + Visual Layout Builder + Visual Homepage Builder. You can create any layout with few clicks.
    Unlimited widget areas
    Translation ready
    Supports WooCommerce
    Native Social Networks support. Login / SignUp with Google / Facebook account
    53 widgets (25 custom widgets, 15 woocommerce, 12 standard wp widgets)
    Lots of social icons
    Iconic fonts: Font Awesome and IcoMoon Ultimate ($59 included at theme’s value)
    Native comments and posts likes
    Highly customizable menu (set icon to any menu item, mega menu support, control displaying menu items at different devices).
    629+ font families from Google Fonts (and counting).
    Captcha for comments and contact form
    Maintenance and Coming Soon mode
    PHP MVC code, easy to extend
    HTML5 and CSS3. Comfortable with LESS? We support it
    SEO-friendly markup
    Full native Retina Displays support
    HTML Version and PSD included (save $15)
    Mail Chimp native integration
    One-Click demo data installation
    Awesome Visual Effects
    6 Variations of header and Sticky Menu
    100% compatible with Gravity Forms


11.04.2014 - WooCommerce 2.1.7 compatibility tweaks
05.04.2014 - Fixed issue with grabbing YouTube video
26.03.2014 - Fixed issue with displaying WooCommerce subcategories
23.03.2014 - Fixed shortcodes before / after custom layout
             added controls to Google Map shortcode / contacts page
20.03.2014 - Added new sections to the PageBuilder
16.03.2014 - Fixed parallax bug in Boxed Layout
13.03.2014 - Translation bug fixed
09.03.2014 - LayerSlider updated to the latest version
             contacts page custom message bug fixed
04.03.2014 - WooCommerce tempates were updated
25.02.2014 - Fixed bug with price in "related Catalog items"
22.02.2014 - Fixed language bug for GoogleMap shortcode
16.02.2014 - WooCommerce 2.1.2 compatibility tweaks
             added mega menu control to customizer
             CSS tweaks
14.02.2014 - fixed CSS bug with Hexagon + sidebar layout
             added new "animate image" button to the Editor
             fixed FF bug in a pricing tables editor
12.02.2014 - WooCommerce 2.1+ compatibility added
10.02.2014 - Child themes compatibility, an example of child theme was added
             some style and functional tweaks
08.02.2014 - Added one-page layout
06.02.2014 - First release


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[Image: SaIPBgS.png]

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Analysis date:     2014-04-23 15:59:12 UTC
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