04-24-2014, 12:33 AM
![[Image: index_01.png]](http://software-script.com/fbshopbuilder/images/index_01.png)
![[Image: index_02.png]](http://software-script.com/fbshopbuilder/images/index_02.png)
How to Turn your Facebook Page Into a Money Making Amazon/Ebay Store
in less than 5 Minutes!
in less than 5 Minutes!
![[Image: tick.gif]](http://software-script.com/fbshopbuilder/images/tick.gif)
![[Image: tick.gif]](http://software-script.com/fbshopbuilder/images/tick.gif)
![[Image: tick.gif]](http://software-script.com/fbshopbuilder/images/tick.gif)
![[Image: tick.gif]](http://software-script.com/fbshopbuilder/images/tick.gif)
Just copy and paste the HTML Code we provide and
Your Facebook Page will be turned into an Online Store.
Screen-shots of Sample Stores Created in our Facebook Pages
Amazon Store Selling 'Forex Trading Books and DVDs'.
![[Image: forextrading.png]](http://software-script.com/fbshopbuilder/images/forextrading.png)
Ebay Store Selling 'Diamond Rings'
![[Image: diamondring.png]](http://software-script.com/fbshopbuilder/images/diamondring.png)
Amazon and Ebay (combined store) selling Digital Camera
![[Image: combinedstore.png]](http://software-script.com/fbshopbuilder/images/combinedstore.png)
Amazon Store Selling 'Forex Trading Books and DVDs'.
![[Image: forextrading.png]](http://software-script.com/fbshopbuilder/images/forextrading.png)
Ebay Store Selling 'Diamond Rings'
![[Image: diamondring.png]](http://software-script.com/fbshopbuilder/images/diamondring.png)
Amazon and Ebay (combined store) selling Digital Camera
![[Image: combinedstore.png]](http://software-script.com/fbshopbuilder/images/combinedstore.png)
You Can Build a Facebook Shop in 2 Easy Steps
Step 1: Generate HTML code using the Software we provide
Just double-click on the program icon to launch the program. Fill-up a short form with your affiliate ids, keyword phrase and select a suitable product category.
(Screen-shot of the software we provide)
![[Image: software.png]](http://software-script.com/fbshopbuilder/images/software.png)
When you press the button, HTML code will be generated immediately.![[Image: software.png]](http://software-script.com/fbshopbuilder/images/software.png)
Step 2: Copy and paste the code into your Facebook page.
Just copy and paste the generated HTML code into your Facebook page as specified in the Video tutorials and your Facebook Shop will be ready to take orders.
Screen-shot of the Generated HTML code to be pasted into Facebook
![[Image: htmlcode.png]](http://software-script.com/fbshopbuilder/images/htmlcode.png)
As you can see in the above screen-shot, there is a Preview button for you to see the new Shop even before pasting the code into Facebook.![[Image: htmlcode.png]](http://software-script.com/fbshopbuilder/images/htmlcode.png)
Here is what you will get in this Offer:
FaceBook Shop Builder software (The tool used to generate HTML code - EXE file)
More Details about the Shops you can build:
This software supports both Amazon and Ebay. You can either build a shop exclusively for Amazon or Ebay and create a combined store with products from both marketplace. In the combined store, you can decide which one to come top - Amazon products or Ebay products.
Supported Ebay Affiliate Programs: Ebay USA, UK, Canada, Australia, France and Germany.
Supported Amazon Associate Programs: Amazon USA, UK, Canada, Germany and France
When you choose UK affiliate program, All product prices will be shown in Sterling Pounds. Germany and France program will show product prices in Euro. Canada Ebay will list products in Canadian Dollars.
Testimonials from users
![[Image: t5.gif]](http://software-script.com/fbshopbuilder/images/t5.gif)
![[Image: t6.gif]](http://software-script.com/fbshopbuilder/images/t6.gif)
![[Image: t7.gif]](http://software-script.com/fbshopbuilder/images/t7.gif)
![[Image: t9.gif]](http://software-script.com/fbshopbuilder/images/t9.gif)
![[Image: guarantee.png]](http://software-script.com/fbshopbuilder/images/guarantee.png)
Get Your Own FBShopBuilder Now For![[Image: t5.gif]](http://software-script.com/fbshopbuilder/images/t5.gif)
![[Image: t6.gif]](http://software-script.com/fbshopbuilder/images/t6.gif)
![[Image: t7.gif]](http://software-script.com/fbshopbuilder/images/t7.gif)
![[Image: t9.gif]](http://software-script.com/fbshopbuilder/images/t9.gif)
![[Image: guarantee.png]](http://software-script.com/fbshopbuilder/images/guarantee.png)
To Your Own FB Shop,
Heri Rosyadi
Legal Notice: All Trademarks listed here are copyrighted by their respective owners. All screen-shots given here contain logo of different products or firms which are owned and copyrighted by them. We provide this product for information purpose only. And we do not claim how much you can make with this strategy. Make sure to read and comply with the terms and conditions of facebook, amazon, ebay and others mentioned here. Sales page http://software-script.com/fbshopbuilder/
Direct download page http://software-script.com/fbshopbuilder/fsbdl2031.html
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