04-23-2014, 06:22 AM
![[Image: l00YM6w.jpg]](http://i.imgur.com/l00YM6w.jpg)
Here’s the full list of Steam features:
Content Carousels and Sliders
Trending carousel with AJAX filter controls
Sizzlin’ carousel rotates selected articles
Featured carousel
Slider Revolution jQuery advanced layered slider
Completely responsive from 1140px widescreen down to mobile
Embed videos directly withinin the carousel
3 pre-defined layouts (small, medium, full-width)
Featured sidecar carousel with top and bottom hover nav buttons
Top Ten carousel ranks posts using several different metics from a specified timeframe
Steam carousel with left and right hover nav buttons
Premium WordPress Theme Components
WooCommerce 2.0+ full integration and compatibility
BuddyPress 1.7+ compatible
AJAX admin panel
630 Google fonts
130 icons (via icon fonts)
Full Google rich snippet and schema.org review integration
Unlimited custom sidebars
Unlimited colors and styles (custom logos, layouts, toggle display of all sliders and elements)
Page builder for front page, archive pages, standard pages, unique for each minisite
Mega menu dynamically loads posts for minisites, taxonomies, categories, and tags
Sticky top bar with menu and login/account/register controls for improved user experience and accessibility
Shortcodes based on Bootstrap library (see them in action):
Alert boxes (4 styles, 2 types)
Buttons (5 sizes, 7 styles, 2 types)
Content Carousel
Hero Unit
130 built-in icons (any color or size)
Labels and Badges (6 styles)
Columns (one half down to one sixth, mix and match)
Lists (15 styles, any color)
Modal Dialog Box
Popovers (4 directions)
Tooltips (4 directions)
Progress Bars (5 styles, 3 types)
Blockquotes (including right-floated pullquote)
Tables (5 styles)
Toggles and Accordions
Tabs (2 styles, 4 layouts)
Dividers and “back to top” links
Styled ampersands
Miscellaneous utilities including divs, spans, clearers and floats
All Articles – Displays paginated articles with several available filtering options.
Clouds – Displays your tags, categories, and/or minisite primary taxonomy items in a tag cloud format.
Latest Articles – Displays latest articles from a specific minisite, all minisites, or all articles, and can be limited to a specific category and/or tag.
Reviews – Displays latest reviews from selected minisites.
Sections – Displays the latest articles from selected minisites in tabbed format using the minisite icons as the tab navigation.
Social Counts – Displays social counts for the most popular social networks.
Social Tabs – Displays Latest Tweets, Facebook Like Box, Flickr Photos, and Recent Comments
Top 10 – Widget version of the Top 10 slider.
Top Reviewed – Displays top reviewed articles from a designated recent time period for a specific minisite or all minisites together.
Trending Articles – Displays sortable trending articles in bar graph style with metric counts.
Custom menus (4 locations)
Featured videos (display them in your article listings too!)
Lightbox effect and navigation automatically added to galleries and images
Paged, nested, styled comments
Custom login logo
Custom 404 and search results layouts
Localized and translatable (.po file provided)
Tested and works great with BuddyPress 1.7+
Industrial Theme Framework 2.0
One-click minisite builder
Complete Review/Rating system built in:
Stars, Numbers, Percentages, Letter Grades
Weighted criteria
Editor and User ratings (or one or the other)
Rank all reviews by editor or user ratings
Pretty jQuery rating animations
Live AJAX user total score updating
Users can create detailed reviews and submit them in the comments
Unlimited star colors
Three main layouts: right sidebar, left sidebar, full-width
AJAX post loop sorting and filtering controls:
Most Recent
Most Liked
Most Viewed
Highest Editor Rated
Highest User Rated
Most Commented
Most Awarded
Custom ad network (supports Google Adsense and any other ad vendor)
30 footer layouts
Unlimited social badges
Views and Likes stats with live AJAX updating
Awards and Badges system (custom user-defined)
Related posts engine (5 algorithms to choose from)
Minisite directories (2 types, 4 styles, 2 layouts)
Author listing template (exclude/include by role or username)
Page-specific background images and colors
Theme options for Google Analytics, custom CSS, and custom JavaScript
Theme Options importer/exporter tool
Complete demo site provided with 3-step install instructions
Fancy tooltips
Email signup
Web Design and Development Specs
Built with Twitter Bootstrap 2.3+
Works with WordPress 3.5+
Validated HTML5
Responsive (1140px wide down to mobile)
HiDPI/Retina ready
Combined CSS and JavaScript for fast performance (minified JavaScript)
Icon fonts for fast performance
Compatible with Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, IE9, and IE10
Correctly imports internal WordPress jQuery and jQuery UI libraries for fast performance and high plugin compatibility
Extensively tested with Pingdom/GTMetrix and fine-tuned for lightning-fast performance. See our Performance Report for an explanation of vendor recommendations
2/13/2014 - 1.8
Improved error-checking and functionality of mega menus
Fixed issue with author showing up on non-relevant pages (woocommerce, buddypress, etc.)
Fixed login logo image width issue introduced in WP 3.8
WP admin menu now uses white versions of minisite icons first if available
Fixed a style issue with post overlay widgets displaying in footer
Fixed style issue with sticky menu positioning on mobile
Line breaks are now rendered correctly in Positives/Negatives, Bottom Line, and Details fields
Multiple awards now display on single review pages
Comment count at top of post now links to comments section
Theme options style tweaks
New theme option to remove the name of the minisite from the minisite article permalinks so they appear just like normal posts
Small tweak to the way minisite slugs are created
Fixed a bug with number of recommended filters displayed when method is set to “tags or categories”
Fixed and enhanced author list page options, functionality, and layout style
Fixed issue with some icons not displaying in Chrome on Windows 8
Fixed mega menu error dealing with empty categories (tended to happen with categories that had subcategories)
Allowed entering full Google+ profile URL instead of ID only on user profile page
Improved bug checking for youtube social counts
Added jetpack custom post type support
Fixed issue with latest articles posts when displayed as part of the page builder on a single post page
Streamlined xml demo content file for better import compatibility
Rating at the top now disables the ability to add another rating in the comments
Reworked the column height adjuster which fixes lots of style overlapping issues
Added option to disable sticky logo, entire logo bar, and logo from the logo bar to directory pages
Disabling views/likes/comments/awards/badges in theme options for loops also now affects boxes
Added option to globally disable view count functionality
Fixed styling for Facebook social box (width and height issues on mobile and in footer)
Fixed styling issue for trending slider on mobile
Fixed WordPress admin menu overlapping theme options z-index menu issues
Default state of toggle/accordion shortcodes now taken into account
Font size changers now work for widgets and the page body when the font family is left as default
Fixed error when mega menu pre-loading is turned off and a standard page is added to the section menu before a mega menu item (minisite, taxonomy, category, or tag)
Trending and Top Ten widget time period selectors now work after AJAX sorting buttons are clicked
Verbiage updated in theme options for youtube ID (rather than youtube username) with instructions on finding it
Files Modified:
http://themeforest.net/item/steam-responsive-retina-review-magazine-theme/5734392?ref=REPORTED AS REFERRAL. Please be WARNED. LAST WARNING!!!
http://[Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD]/qgx96xa7
![[Image: SaIPBgS.png]](http://i.imgur.com/SaIPBgS.png)
SHA256: 01726826501c820f29ca59159ee9b0d64433e47dd152164f0122ddf0264f149e
File name: c1c81396d7e9b2462318b8054655eb91a465a09c.rar
Detection ratio: 0 / 50
Analysis date: 2014-04-22 20:15:26 UTC