I could not wait. I broke down and got it. The oto that I had wanted was her template that she uses to create her ebooks which goes for $27.
Download -
Magic Button :
The main advantage to doing a wso now is more people coming to the forum who are new and the lower price. I'm going to use JVZoo because the forum charges you for every payment button and JVZoo its free.Sign up for the training class on how to use her techniques.
No password - I HATE passwords! (They make a lot of sense on a black hat forum, right? NOT!)
It appears to be a decent product (despite the many other bullshit products I've seen from this marketer) but I am still reading it.
This is going to be the first of dozens of products everyone (and their mothers) will be putting out about the latest bright, new shiny object - the WF and Freelancer coupling.
(04-21-2014 05:30 AM)jamalexa Wrote: [ -> ]She's already said in her daily email that she is getting ready to do part 2. I won't be buying it . I only want the template.
Yeah Jama - Ling is great at dragging stuff out and getting max value out of it. I give her props for that - even though I don't like her style. It is almost always lots more fluff than substance.
In the little I have read, she is writing this "on the run." She is writing this as the stuff is unfolding, so her timing is good. She has done this product to develop another she can get more money for. This one is mostly based on opinions - hers vs. other marketers.
She doesn't sell as much in the WF now, so I would rather follow the advice of a few others. But then, if you look, there are lots of mainstream sellers that are taking their acts elsewhere now.
The general feeling I get is that the WF isn't necessarily a "must-do" stage to launch your stuff anymore.
The template will show up, but I doubt you'll be impressed when you see it. Her back-end stuff tends to be weak, but she does a great job of pre-selling it.