04-20-2014, 06:03 AM
![[Image: 41fI0I0ud0L._SY445_.jpg]](http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41fI0I0ud0L._SY445_.jpg)
Pass It On
English + DVD + 4.31 GB
Quote:Filmed along the same lines as What the Bleep, The Secret, and The Celestine Prophecy. This too will be an interactive motion picture that delves into the questions everyone has been asking for centuries. How do I become Wealthy? What do I do with my ideas? How can someone find their passion? What does it take to truly be Happy? We already understand there are different answers for different people on what 'medium' they used to create success for themselves in these areas, yet we want to go deeper. We want to know (and so does the world) what were the actual STEPS that today's leaders took toward success and the sequence of events that took place to make it all come together.
Review 1 of 2
This Movie is NOT About the Law of Attraction!
Author: Danii Disaster from United Kingdom
27 December 2013
*** This review may contain spoilers ***
Even though this movie came out in 2007, I was unaware of it until now (2014). I wanted to watch a movie about the Law of Attraction, and came across this one... unfortunately.
Apparently, this movie was marketed as an unofficial sequel to "The Secret", and that's the very definition of "false advertising". This movie has nothing to do with the New Thought movement or, indeed, the Law of Attraction.
This movie is, quite simply, a corporate training video!
Their formula for "success" is as follows:
1. Decide what you want to buy. 2. Get a job - any job - to earn the money to buy it. 3. Then continue earing more money by setting up multiple (and/or residual) streams of income.
The message in this video, if I understand correctly, is as follows: you must work hard (they even imply working multiple jobs to save up!!!), push yourself to do things you're not comfortable with, and generally do "whatever it takes" to reach your goal. This is NOT how the Law of Attraction is supposed to work!
I think this video is suitable for salesmen-in-training, but it should not be associated with the New Age movement. They've even hired marketing specialist to star in the movie, who explain how to market your product or service, how to understand your niche, etc.
It's ridiculous to seek any sort of connection between this commercial project and the Law of Attraction.
Maybe this movie is the result of the author's misinterpretation of the Law of Attraction, or just an attempt to capitalize on the success of "The Secret", but it's definitely not a good example of how the Law of Attraction is supposed to work.
They're basically telling us what we've been told BEFORE the Law of Attraction was introduced to the masses i.e. "you can achieve whatever you desire with dedication and hard work!" -- the New Age movement actually teaches the opposite of that!
If you're looking for video training on how to market your products or services, then go ahead and watch it, but if you're interested in the New Age concept, then this will not be of any use to you.
Review 2 of 2
Practical applications for The Secret
Author: Mahtoska from United States
5 August 2007
I saw this in May at a premier here in town. The company with which I am invested as an IBO sponsored the world premier of this movie in Las Vegas and one of the personalities in this movie is the top sales person in our organization and was able to get a premier set up for our town.
So, the question that everyone may be asking is "what's this all about?" One of the most important critiques about The Secret was that it didn't have any practical examples of how to put the Law of Attraction to work in your life. Pass It On seeks to rectify this oversight by having the presenters explain the nuts and bolts of how the Law of Attraction works and how we can apply these principles in our daily lives. In fulfilling this objective, Pass It On really de-mystifies the Law of Attraction and explains how the energy we exert in our daily lives can and will return to us. This is not Kharmic law, but rather the Law of Right Action.
If you were fascinated by The Secret, but had some questions, then all I can say is WATCH Pass It On! Then, watch it again... then watch it again. Watch it until you have begun to crack the foundations of your moribund perspectives and are ready to embrace the reality that you and you lone are responsible for making your life into what it is and what it may become. No magic.... no hicks-pocus...Just the reality behind the facade. There is no fate but what we make.
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