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Welcome Hey BBHF,

Blush Everyday community is growing and with that number of threads/comments are growing.

Huh Sometime it becomes bit difficult to trace a post you liked a month ago. even search algorithm of BBHF is not so good to trace it.

Huh I think there must be a subscription button for a thread side to reply button

Wink Even if reply button is replaced with subscription button i think there is going to be no problem.

Angry Subscribing to a post is like a cumbersome job

Cool If you liked the idea add a bump to it
I believe the subscription made the whole site lag, but it would be cool if it the optimization changed
Agreed Bump :)
When I find a cool thread, I just copy and paste its link on a .txt folder.

You can call the folder "Threads to check" or whatever you would like Smile

Hope this helps.

best tool for managing your links n stuff
Cap ;)
This has been discussed already.

In the mean time, if you want to see if any threads that you've posted have updated posts do this:

Click on your username, then click on "Find all posts" and you'll see the "new" icon by any thread you've commented on that has updated posts.

You can do the same for threads you've created by clicking on "Find all threads"

Semi cumbersome if you have many posts, but it's fairly quick to breeze through them form most people.
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