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Full Version: Ryan Deiss's Traffic and Conversion Summit 2013 Personal Notes [1 PDF]
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Ryan Deiss's Traffic and Conversion Summit 2013 Personal Notes [1 PDF]
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This is a set of personal notes of the recent T&C 2013, 50 pages worth.
These notes are not being sold on the WF or anywhere for that matter (at least so far) and offer a more personal, real world perspective to the other versions of the notes being sold commercially.
[Image: Free-Download-All-Tutorials.png]

http://[Reported by Members as premium hosting that SUCK! Use MEDIAFIRE or MEGA.NZ :) !!!].net/file/68552d1ae766c7cebf589e07f32c6d78/Ryan_Deiss_s_Traffic___Conversion_Summit_2013_Personal_Notes__1_PDF_.rar.html

....perhaps we should re-introduce the negative reputation for these types of scammers and spammers.....

Reported to Mods again.....
Report this jackass.

This is user "pitbullus" who already had his other accounts suspended for posting this same [Reported by Members as premium hosting that SUCK! Use MEDIAFIRE or MEGA.NZ :) !!!] garbage on here.

A lot of these posts are also duplicates of shares already on here.

In other words, he has a complete lack of respect for the forum and it's members. The goal is to flood the forum with this crap and hope people upgrade to premium accounts out of frustration earning him a commission.

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