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Robert Kiyosaki - The Real Book of Real Estate [eBook (PDF)]
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The only thing better than one real estate expert helping you invest and win is twenty real estate experts with that same mission. For the first time ever, Robert Kiyosaki, bestselling author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, has assembled in one big book a star studded cast of real estate wizards and trusted advisors with one purpose in mind: to share their knowledge to help you win in real estate.
The Real Book of Real Estate is the one book, the Bible, of real estate advice and techniques every investor needs to navigate through the ups, the downs, and the in-betweens of the real estate market and come out on top.
This is the ultimate real estate desk reference you�ll come back to again and again. Whether you�re a seasoned investor or buying your first property, you will enhance your knowledge and grow your wisdom through this book. The book shows you how to value a property, handle leases, manage tenant relationships, get financing, even establish your own team of advisors, and so much more. You�ll hear from the insiders and learn from their wins and their losses. It�s decades?worth of experience and knowledge you just can�t get anywhere else.
TABLE OF CONTENTSPART 1: The Business of Real Estate1  The Business of Real Estate, Tom Wheelwright  52  A Real Estate Attorney�s View of Assembling and Managing Your Team, Charles W. Lotzar  293  The Way to Exotic Wealth, Wayne Palmer  534  Pro?ts from the Ground Up, Ross McCallister  715  Master Your Universe, Craig Coppola  896  10 Rules for Real Estate Asset Protection, Garrett Sutton  1087  Of Marbles and Capital, Wayne Palmer  1338  How to Avoid and Handle Real Estate Disputes, Bernie Bays  152
PART 2: Your Real Estate Project9  Buy by the Acre, Sell by the Foot: Understanding Real Needs, Financial Logic, and Asking Questions, Mel Shultz  17310  It�s All About Adding Value, Curtis Oakes  18411  Analyzing the Deal, or Adventures in Real Estate, John Finney  20012  Real Estate Due Diligence, Scott McPherson  22213  Creating Value from the Inside Out, Kim Dalton  23314  Financing for Real Estate Investors, Scott McPherson  25115  Lease It and Keep It Leased, Craig Coppola  26216  The Perils of Careless Property Management, Ken McElroy  276
PART 3: Creative Ways to Make Money in Real Estate17  Getting from A to B Without Paying Taxes, Gary Gorman  29318  No Down Payment, Carleton Sheets  30619  Marketing: Your Ticket to Finding and Pro?ting from Foreclosures, Dean Graziosi  32620  Entitlements: The Sleeping Giant of Real Estate Pro?tability, W. Scott Schirmer  34121  The Tax Lien Investment Strategy, Tom Wheelwright  37122  Horse Trading: The Original Way to Wealth on the Great American Frontier, Wayne Palmer  39023  How to Create Retail Magic: A Tale of Two Centers, Marty De Rito  409
PART 4: Lessons Learned24  What One Property Can Teach You, Kim Kiyosaki  43325  In the Beginning . . . , Donald Trump  45126  What Is the Most Important Thing You�ve Learned From Your Father About Real Estate?, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump  45827  Overcoming the Fear of Failing, Robert Kiyosaki  466
[Image: Free-Download-All-Tutorials.png]

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Report this jackass.

This is user "pitbullus" who already had his other accounts suspended for posting this same [Reported by Members as premium hosting that SUCK! Use MEDIAFIRE or MEGA.NZ :) !!!] garbage on here.

A lot of these posts are also duplicates of shares already on here.

In other words, he has a complete lack of respect for the forum and it's members. The goal is to flood the forum with this crap and hope people upgrade to premium accounts out of frustration earning him a commission.

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