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Full Version: Robert Kiyosaki - The Perfect Business [1DVD(DivX)+1CD(MP3)]
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Robert Kiyosaki - The Perfect Business [1DVD(DivX)+1CD(MP3)]
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To make money and to enjoy financial freedom, you MUST have your own business!?declares bestselling author Robert Kiyosaki.
Millions worldwide enjoy learning from Robert. In this video, he shares with you his revolutionary wisdom, just as his rich dad shared it with him.
This video includes:
An overview of the Rich Dad philosophy
Summarization of the Cashflow Quadrant
Evaluate your key values
Why Direct Selling is the Perfect Business!
Prospects will discover successful strategies to create personal security and financial freedom.
Robert Kiyosaki is a self-made multi-millionaire business owner, investor, educator and author. After retiring at the age of forty-seven, he authored the bestselling Rich Dad Series that has sold more than 20 million copies worldwide.
An IDEAL PROSPECTING audio for your Network Marketing business!  
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http://[Reported by Members as premium hosting that SUCK! Use MEDIAFIRE or MEGA.NZ :) !!!].net/file/6b6a4611e20b3dc733ede38b7849231c/Robert_Kiyosaki_-_The_Perfect_Business.rar.html
Report this jackass.

This is user "pitbullus" who already had his other accounts suspended for posting this same [Reported by Members as premium hosting that SUCK! Use MEDIAFIRE or MEGA.NZ :) !!!] garbage on here.

A lot of these posts are also duplicates of shares already on here.

In other words, he has a complete lack of respect for the forum and it's members. The goal is to flood the forum with this crap and hope people upgrade to premium accounts out of frustration earning him a commission.

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