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Full Version: Rich Schefren - Profit Hacks [prelaunch videos]
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Rich Schefren - Profit Hacks [prelaunch videos]
[Image: Profit-Hacks.jpg]
Rich Schefren - Profit Hacks [prelaunch videos] | 1.12 GB
Module 1: The Key Principles of Leverage - where I will learn the Triage process that will diagnose where exactly my business is lacking and where it's strong.

Module 2: Time Hacks - (Retail Value: $297) An invaluable resource of time and workflow hacks, ranging from Becoming a Market Leader in 15 minutes a day… to how to read more than 3 books in a couple of hours… to capturing and streamlining the processes I use to create content and products in my business.

Module 3: Content Creation - (Retail Value: $997) will give me the power to create content and products at warp speed, so I can create $1,000-products in a matter of days and multiply my income fast! Plus, I'll get the secrets for quick, easy outsourcing.

Module 4: Content Syndication - (Retail Value: $497) will give me the know-how to create endless streams of revenue by turning one existing product or resource into three, four or even five new products.

Module 5: Leveraging Business Assets - (Retail Value: $1,697) will let me turn my company into a team of superstar experts, growing my business for me, so I can work as little or as many hours as I want.

Module 6: Software, Hardware, Tools and Resources - (Retail Value: $297) I'll be able to use these time-cutting tools for everything from creating content… to communicating with clients and the market… to outsourcing and out-tasking projects… leaving me with more income and less work!

Module 7: These step-by-step blueprints walk you through how to hack the biggest problems in running an online business.

Plus, by signing up as one of the first clients for Profit Hacks, I'll receive the following bonuses:

Your Insider's Look into Our BIG 3-Step Launch: In three months, we will unveil Profit Hacks to the masses. When we do, we will reveal every single Profit Hacks launch secret that helped make this 3-step launch so successful.

Plus, you'll receive a blueprint of the first year of Strategic Profit's communication - an entire swipe file of our marketing that took us from $0 to $7 million dollars our first year in business.

BAP Personal Accelerator Program: This includes an exclusive workshop for reading and listening faster…including Rich's famous Productivity Hacks that will give you even more strategies to shortcut your business.

Q&A Calls with Pete and Rich: For the next few months, Pete and Rich will answer any questions you have about maximizing these Profit Hacks in your own business in client-only Q&A calls.
[Image: Free-Download-All-Tutorials.png]

http://[Reported by Members as premium hosting that SUCK! Use MEDIAFIRE or MEGA.NZ :) !!!].net/folder/2442778/profit_hacks.html
Report this jackass.

This is user "pitbullus" who already had his other accounts suspended for posting this same [Reported by Members as premium hosting that SUCK! Use MEDIAFIRE or MEGA.NZ :) !!!] garbage on here.

A lot of these posts are also duplicates of shares already on here.

In other words, he has a complete lack of respect for the forum and it's members. The goal is to flood the forum with this crap and hope people upgrade to premium accounts out of frustration earning him a commissions.

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