Does anyone have or know where to find this WP Theme:
Any help appreciated!
Thank you
Here You Go....it has both Standard and Pro version
(04-17-2014 09:17 PM)adilimtiaz Wrote: [ -> ]Here You Go....it has both Standard and Pro version
Hey mate :), I don't know what to tell...thanx
I give you +1 rep (can not give more, I would give you 10k if I can).
Much appreciated, really
Oooops :). Do you have license key maybe or decoded files (Zend Encoder) so I will try to null it.
Thank you
Nevermind, I decoded and fixed theme. Only two files are encoded - in Pro Version - pro.php and licenser.php.
But - this is an old version, from 2012 y.
However, thank you for your effort
Hey, can you repost the link. The file is not there! THANKS!
repost pls or any mirror?
Much appreciated.
can someone please upload the nulled version please?
Nulled version needs to be re-uploaded...please. Thanks in advance