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Adobe Universal Patcher works for

Adobe After Effects CC (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Audition CC (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Bridge CC (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Flash Professional CC (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Illustrator CC (64-Bit) [Full Version]

Adobe InCopy CC (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe InDesign CC (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Media Encoder CC (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Photoshop CC Extended (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Prelude CC (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Premiere Pro CC (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe SpeedGrade CC (64-Bit) [Full Version]
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Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.3 (64-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.2 (64-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5 (64-Bit)
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Adobe Acrobat XI Pro (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Bridge CC (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Dreamweaver CC (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Edge Animate CC (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Illustrator CC (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe InCopy CC (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe InDesign CC (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Muse CC (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Photoshop CC Extended (32-Bit) [Full Version]
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Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 (32-Bit)
Adobe Elements 12 Organizer (32-Bit)
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Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.3 (32-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.2 (32-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5 (32-Bit)
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Adobe After Effects CS6 (64-Bit) [Full version]
Adobe Bridge CS6 (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Encore CS6 (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Illustrator CS6 (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Media Encoder CS6 (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe SpeedGrade CS6 (64-Bit) [Full Version]
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Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4 (64-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.3 (64-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.2 (64-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.1 (64-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 (64-Bit)
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Adobe Acrobat X Pro (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Audition CS6 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Bridge CS6 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Fireworks CS6 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Flash Builder 4.6 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Flash Professional CS6 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Illustrator CS6 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe InDesign CS6 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Media Encoder CS6 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Prelude CS6 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
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Adobe Photoshop Elements 11 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Elements 11 Organizer (32-Bit) [Full Version]
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Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4 (32-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.3 (32-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.2 (32-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.1 (32-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 (32-Bit)
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Adobe After Effects CS5.5 (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Media Encoder CS5.5 (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Extended (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5 (64-Bit) [Full Version]
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Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.6 (64-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.5 (64-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.4 (64-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.3 (64-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.2 (64-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 (64-Bit)
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Adobe Audition CS5.5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Bridge CS5.1 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Contribute CS5.1 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Device Central CS5.5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5 (32-Bit) [Full version]
Adobe Encore CS5.1 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Fireworks CS5.1 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Flash Builder 4.5 (32-Bit) [Full version]
Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5.5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Flash CS5.5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Illustrator CS5.1 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe InDesign CS5.5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Media Encoder CS5.5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Extended (32-Bit) [Full Version]
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Photoshop Elements 10 (32-Bit)
Elements 10 Organizer (32-Bit)
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Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.6 (32-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.5 (32-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.4 (32-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.3 (32-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.2 (32-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 (32-Bit)
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Adobe After Effects CS5 (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Media Encoder CS5 (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 (64-Bit) [Full Version]
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Adobe Bridge CS5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Contribute CS5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Device Central CS5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Encore CS5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Fireworks CS5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Flash Builder 4 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Flash CS5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Illustrator CS5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe InDesign CS5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Media Encoder CS5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Soundbooth CS5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
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Photoshop Elements 9 (32-Bit)
Elements 9 Organizer (32-Bit)
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Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended (64-Bit)
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Adobe After Effects CS4 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Contribute CS4 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Encore CS4 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Fireworks CS4 (32-Bit) [Full version]
Adobe Flash CS4 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Illustrator CS4 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe InDesign CS4 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Media Encoder CS4 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Soundbooth CS4 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
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And other product that contains amtlib.dll
nice share!
virustotal 13/50
(04-17-2014 05:19 AM)modtec Wrote: [ -> ]virustotal 13/50
Hi Mr. Leecher... Thank you for that valuable info... But I think most people will download this as its a crack and most antiviruses hate cracks.. They are not infected but as the yare illegal to share antivirus reports them...anyways Mr. Leecher, Kindly GET LOST
Hi Vyshakh
How does this actually work do I just run the exe file and all Adobe products work or do I do it as individual runs?
Magical share rep added
You ought to do it one by one bro
(04-20-2014 01:59 AM)2hypnotic Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Vyshakh
How does this actually work do I just run the exe file and all Adobe products work or do I do it as individual runs?
Magical share rep added
Thanks for the share vyshakh- one quick general question: do you know if any of the photoshops are in portable format?
Hi Vyshakh,
Thanks for the share, but i have a question. What i got is a downloader for the patcher.

is that what you uploaded or did i do something wrong? I'm asking because my anti-virus will not let it run.
(04-20-2014 09:19 PM)ronny Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Vyshakh,
Thanks for the share, but i have a question. What i got is a downloader for the patcher.

is that what you uploaded or did i do something wrong? I'm asking because my anti-virus will not let it run.
download and use this one instead it worked great for me and it can be updated"
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Thank you @acejunior
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