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Hi guys got a client who owns an online-shop which I want to rank. The competition isnt great most of them dont have good backlinks or SEO optimized pages. My client literally has done nothing and got to page 2. I already did good Onpage SEO for him but my question now is can I use linkbuilding services like linkit pro to improve his rankings or do I have to use different services I know this question is dumb but this is the first time that I have to deal with an Online Shop with Shopware instead of Wordpress. Ty in advance
may be i can help you my friend...
SEO Guys Here Please Assist Adam
most of the seo you'll need to do is off-page... the on-page you'll need to do is to optimise sitemap and robots.txt/xml....
Contact with this guy. Perhaps he will help you.
Skype: cheapseovps
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