Looks like some interesting developments at the BSO forum. Did Says sell out to
Interesting that the "new owners" are lowering the price of WSO's back to $20. Wonder what's up with that? I couldn't help but laugh when some of the members expressed their concern that it would lower the quality of the BSO's...

It's been sold for $3.2m to
Dude, despite the junk that came from wf. I was really hoping to capitalize on being one of those "gurus" soon and scraping cash from the noobs with a wso lol
I hope things @ wf stay in structure
I didn't know where to post this. Since this is the WSO section I'll put it here untill a mod moves this else where. I just got an email from marketer Barbara Ling. The Warrior Forum is now owned by Also the prices for wso and membership have changed.
Read more here
Finally... It's nice to see the WSO price drop from $40 to $20.

That's pretty sweet, and yeah I like the price drop for WSO threads, now it's more affordable.
yes, great, now there will be EVEN MORE PEOPLE posting WSOs about ANYTHING for 20$... that's gonna be ... just great. way better than what we had until now
(04-16-2014 05:36 AM)Nitro Wrote: [ -> ]Finally... It's nice to see the WSO price drop from $40 to $20. 
Yes Finally but not nice $20/year not lifetime
(04-15-2014 03:43 PM)gigsiteguy Wrote: [ -> ]
Looks like some interesting developments at the BSO forum. Did Says sell out to
Interesting that the "new owners" are lowering the price of WSO's back to $20. Wonder what's up with that? I couldn't help but laugh when some of the members expressed their concern that it would lower the quality of the BSO's...

How the hell can you lower the quality of a turd? I guess if it was a runny turd.
Since the price is lower now, you can expect a steady stream of new wso turds to inundate this forum.
If we as marketers or wanabe marketers go and post quality WSO's. Raising the price and quality of the products, we can cause a change in the WF. It might not happen right away but instead of complaining about a problem let's do something to solve it. And make money doing it.I'm trying to come up with a good idea and do my first WSO.