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Full Version: Banning me without reason?(adsense)
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so, i get a lot of traffic on weekends and they are 100% LEGIT vistors(from reddit), so i just got my adsense accepted and the day after i got banned? i have never done anything blackhat , traded clicks, why does this happen?

is it because its a new blog? because they hate me:(?

and any tips on how to not get banned? please.
(04-16-2014 02:38 AM)leet52k Wrote: [ -> ]because they hate me:(?

I dont find any possible reason, apart from this.
I think, you've got some invalid clicks. that's why you got banned.

make sure to increase traffic from search engines, like Google, before applying to AdSense.
hi leet52k, i guess you can re apply in adsense, just do this tips

are you using blogspot? i suggest you purchase a domain and your site have at least 15 posts (legit content, don't copy ), 6 months active in the internet, with traffic comes from search engines.

And after that, try re apply again in Adsense and make sure use different address (ex: office address)

In my case i ban before 3 year ago, and i apply. approve
Don't try to re-apply instead submit problem to adsense .... they really care for good people
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