OK, this was posted a long time ago, but does anyone have this to share?
A recent clean version would be awesome
Thanks in advance.
can please somme one reupload again
its deleted fram zuppyshare and i dont know how to download fram miror.creator
here is the latest version of Premium URL Shortener v4.2. clean driectly
Can you share latest 4.2.1?
sory it is v4.2.1 i forget, yes i confirm v4.2.1 Download v4.2.1 here
(05-17-2015 05:06 AM)sebinthomas Wrote: [ -> ]Can you share latest 4.2.1?
(05-17-2015 10:23 AM)k0z3y Wrote: [ -> ]Only kids who share files through survey.... 

So very true.
Was about to maxRep, and then clicked close on the survey page.
What happened to Zippy or any one of all the other decent sharing sites?
If I could add NEGATIVE rep to ShareCash right now, I would.
Dude. Much better to not share than to try you survey millarky.
http://[Reported by Members as spam/premium links]/file/c43tgvrp