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you cannot completely null optmizepress as their live editor elements are taken using api.
Wrong API Not Working ... :(
Just did a minor trick and it worked
Copy and replace the install.php file from op2key folder in following Locations
OptimizePress_2 > optimizepress-theme > lib > admin
OptimizePress_2 > optimizepress-plugin > lib > admin

Activate the plugin. Open plugin and write a random API Key
Wait a bit and BOOM!!

Its is working 100%
Thanks calkut Reps++ for you. Great Share
(04-13-2014 11:19 PM)A725859 Wrote: [ -> ]Just did a minor trick and it worked
Copy and replace the install.php file from op2key folder in following Locations
OptimizePress_2 > optimizepress-theme > lib > admin
OptimizePress_2 > optimizepress-plugin > lib > admin

Activate the plugin. Open plugin and write a random API Key
Wait a bit and BOOM!!

Its is working 100%
Thanks calkut Reps++ for you. Great Share
Thanks @A725859. While I wanted to create a video you've already added a nice post,+ Repp you too

OptimizePress-plugin version 2.0 we have, and I have found 2.1.4, now I will test and then add once worked

Sorry, I do not speak in English! Confused

OptimizePress 2 0 Review Members Area OptimizePress 2 0 Review Full Training

OptimizePressPluginV2.1.4 Working 100%
/?page_id=6]DEMO /wp-login.php]Admin panel
Site- /wp-login.php]OptimizePressV2.[Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD]

Login: CaLkuT
Pass: Lol Lol Lol

I love BBHF so that all my passwords you already know

certain case does not add reputation,only just enjoy.43smoke

Nice efforts guys ;-L


MAX +REP for fix


Looking forward to seeing this workaround on the current versions.. update the thread if you can work it out!

hey would anyone help a newbe out... can someone create quick video plz on how to do this its not working
Thanks i will try it
hmm i am sort of a newbie as well i just uppacked it then put the pw then re rar it then upload it to wordpress via plugin and upload and i got this The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature
Awesome, +5 repped, I dont see an install.php file to replace though, is it already done in your latest 2.1.4 file Calkut ?
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