it works..
cant get capcha breaker to solve at all because i cant get the webserver to work.. but
solved about 15 manual and created 10.. so not bad at all
i can use this with GSA for my throwaway linkbuilding.. better than paying for reseller options
(04-30-2014 07:50 PM)venit4u Wrote: [ -> ]someone else tested this software? i`m trying to use it but i still get error : Failed to load signup page
nomatter what i choose the create: hotmail, live or outlook account :(
i also tried to use it with no proxies and this the same error :(
Can someone help please?
I`m using the version 1.2.12
thanks a lot
same here buddy, what could be the possible error?
it's not working, i always got error "Failed to load sign up page"... on hotmail.
Captcha has become very complicated on Yahoo account creation.
None of the captchas are being solved, even manually.
Yahoo works but hotmail doesn't :(
(04-28-2014 05:48 AM)sharkwhite Wrote: [ -> ]extract the files from the rar
disables the Internet
accaunt open stream
write a mail in the box
put 52 caracter letter e number Random
press ok
comes out of the box with an error you can not close
rehabilitates the Internet connection
close the error window and open accaunt stream
when you open it and if everything went well and registered and running
thanks. it works! repped.

hotmail does not work anymore.. idk why.. any advice for this?
unfortunately autlook they have changed their systemsand blocks the functioning of accaunt strem you have to wait for the new updated version
(04-30-2014 08:39 PM)Haddock Wrote: [ -> ]it works..
cant get capcha breaker to solve at all because i cant get the webserver to work.. but
solved about 15 manual and created 10.. so not bad at all
i can use this with GSA for my throwaway linkbuilding.. better than paying for reseller options
it works
same here, when create yahoo/hotmail, I alwas get captcha
anybody can solve this case? tq
I get my Yahoos from Fiverr. They are much cheaper.... Check my signature!