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darren9682;9095197 Wrote:
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Hey Guys,

Darren Smart here and I'm really excited to finally be bringing you my first full WSO!

A little while ago I decided to sit down and work on something that will get your juices flowing and I know this really will.

I only teach things that have worked for me and that I know will work for you

[Image: offline.png]

I'm pretty new here but I've been working in both Online and Offline marketing for over 13 years now and I'm at a time in my working life that I'm financial comfortable and looking to pass on my knowledge to others in the hope that in these hard times they can make a good business for themselves.

I remember back in the day it took me quite a few years of struggling before I really made any money and quite a few years after that before it was something sustainable and recurring.

My hope with this is it will allow you to cut a lot of corners and get straight to the meat of it and allow you to “Work Smarter, Not Harder"

So with that I bring you ....

[Image: name.png]

[LEFT] One of the hardest things I found as a marketer is getting impulse buyers in front of your product.

Not only impulse buyers but targeted ones with their card in hand ready to buy.

Make no mistake about it. This is not a "Method" or a "Get Rich Quick Scheme"

It's a full blown business that is 99% outsourced and can be done in your own time.

This WSO will teach you exactly how to take a single product and put it in front of up 100,000, Targeted, Impulsing Buyers with Their card I hand in a just ONE day.

And if you don't have a product don't panic. This works for affiliate products to!

And you can do this as many times you like. Whenever you like. Every Week, Month, Year upon year and the best part is it will NEVER get saturated.

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Complete Guide from Start to Finish
Exclusive Bonus Guide to Quadruple your Income
Two Custom and Proven Email Swipes
Quick Start Guide

So here is where you're thinking “Hmm How much is this going to cost me”

Well here goes …. $5

Yup that's it. Just $5 for all the above.


Just a great business, an even greater twist and all the resources needed in order to start this today and bank in weeks.

[Image: yellow_add-to-cart_yellow32.png]
Sales Page
Magic Button :

Magic Button :
is this so good that you had to post it three times?

Well the link is down, so I dont agree
Thanks for the Patrick Bateman a.k.a. Mr. Psychoman :)

Here's a recap based on the Quick Start Guide.

-Find tradeshows in country/niche of your choice.
-Get list of vendors online and make note of their contact info.
-Find applicable affiliate product based on niche.
-Contact each vendor about placing a flyer w/ your affiliate info in their booth and they get % if someone purchased affiliate product.

Bonus guide says to get businesses to buy space on the back of each flyer for more moolah.

darren9682 Wrote:Q: How many times can I do this?
A: There are over 4500 trade shows in the USA every single year. So you can do this a lot.

Q: What is the start up cost for this?
A: You will need some funds to produce some very cheap marketing material to use with this guide. However how much you spend is entirely up to you. And I include a free bonus guide with a nice exclusive twist to use that will get your marketing material costs paid for you

Q: This is a short guide. Is it worth the money?
A: It's true the guide isn't the longest here on The Warrior Forum but it doesn't need to be. I could have written a 30 to 50 page guide and add fluff that you don't need but put simply ... Your time is precious and why spend longer reading between the lines when you can just get the real meat of the idea from the start.
I have to say this is probably the best WSO ever created.

Seriously it's well worth the $5.

Did I mention the guy who wrote it is amazing to?.

Oh that's right. It was me :D
Thank you for the share and rep added.
I will check it and let you know
The link has been blocked.
No it hasn't.


And I've not blocked it.
please reupload it
the MF is available!
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