great share +Reps
waiting for nulled version though :D
Bump for the latest nulled version.
In the includes folder, file: class-mobile-squeeze-page-magic.php
...on line number: 716
...the function: is_plugin_activated
...add a "return true;" like so:
public function is_plugin_activated(){
return true; // this line will 'null' it, the next two lines are ignored!
$return = ( (get_option('wp_sqpmoptions_default_check') == 'true' ) ? true : false );
return $return;
waiting for nulled version though
Anybody that says in normal "Get" threads "Needs Nulling Please" should be kicked hard on their butts. What is the point in sharing the stuff that needs nulling?
(06-24-2016 06:11 AM)whiter5000 Wrote: [ -> ]created fatal error
Yeah, because the M****
who shared that stuff already mentioned in the thread title " [NEEDS NULLING PLEASE] ".