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Full Version: [HELP] My page has been removed :(
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Hey guys,

I need you help. My 6+ years old page has been removed. I didn't post any offensive photos or any that violates fb tos.

How should I report it? Is there any chance to get it back?

Thank you
FB have a habbit of not being able to be contacted, there is not a
single tel number one can use to get them, even if you have credit card
problems, you have to use the online support crap and they very rarely
reply to them so you may not get it back.

it may be that you have only got a 1 day, week, month ban, suggest
you try a support ticket :( or just wait and see if it lift the ban.

Cap ;)
Is the page completely missing or have you just lost admin priviledges?

It may take some time but you need to contact support and they will let you know what happened and why?
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