Credit Scores: How Personal Credit Works
A 1 HOUR COURSE that completely covers all the ins and outs of credit scores.
Thanks for this action Superb.
Thanks for sharing pal. +1
Thank you for the working code. +REP added!
There seems to be some interest in this topic, so I would like to invite browsers of this thread to visit my new share re: "7 Steps To A 720 Credit Score" program here:
The webinar alone is jam-packed with golden nuggets of info on how the credit system (SCAM!) really operates and how to improve your score easily and legally. Philip Tirone is probably the top authority on the topic and if you do your own due diligence on him and his program, you will see he is the real deal.
Please visit the thread and add your comments/experiences. This is an important topic that affects everyone who uses credit. I am not affiliated with the program in any way, just keenly interested in getting this valuable info out into the open because the banks and credit bureaus are essentially ripping us off and have no incentive to clean up their act.