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Full Version: [req] Fb Ad Class 1.0 - Turn $17.96 ad investment into $1200 in less than a week
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Pages: 1 2
This one looks interesting.

Check it out. I'd love to get it. :)
Yeah me too :)
This one looks good...
Looks like a good one to get Smile
loooks good .......... I would love to have this ...!
Bump>>>> Bump>>>>> Bump
Bump, looking forward to this one too.
I think It has to do with Teespring and Fb ads
Something is not right in the proofs provided

1) The Facebook Ad Screen provided says "18 Clicks" where she spent "$17.96" means cost per Click is "$1" and Ivana made $1200 out of that? hows it possible

2) She claims to get $.02 - $.03 per click which is possible no doubt but the question is why couldnt she get that $0.03 click for her own campaign (ScreenShot Provided)

3) what sort of offer that would be which made her $1200 for just 18 clicks?

I would love to know this magic :)
Here you go dear friends:

Magic Button :

To answer questions above, the $18- $1200 method isn't magic, it's very disappointing as
it involves her getting a check from a client for lead gen services. Nothing to do with
online money making.

Regardless, there are some good tips in the course.
Pages: 1 2
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